Softwares for electronics
Payment protected
Configuration necessary

WinCircuit  (version 2008)
General description
WinCircuit is a software of realization of drawing of printed circuit in single or double layers.  Principal qualities are the facility of use and the sight in pseudo 3D which gets a vision of the circuit close to reality.  At the time of the installation, you have the choice between three languages, English, Spanish or French.  WinCircuit is available in version of free evaluation or in complete version against the payment protected of the sum of 35$.
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WinSchema  (version 2001)
General description
WinSchema is a software of realization of diagram in the fields of electronics, electricity, hydraulics or the drawing.  At the time of the installation, you have the choice between three languages, English, Spanish or French.  WinSchéma is available in version of free evaluation or in complete version against the payment protected of the sum of 30$.
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